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This is my blog on the topic : God vs Evolution. I see a lot of confusion about God, Religion and Evolution and lot of strife over this issue. I will express my personal views only. I hope the readers will appreciate my views although I know that everybody has very strong personal views on this topic. I will try my best not to offend anybody but if you find any word or phrase unsuitable, please send me a message so that I can revise it.
Thanks for visiting and your patronage.
RK Sangha

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Is God real ?

The God ?
             What is God ? Where is ? How is ? A reality or imagination ?
These are and other such questions have been agitating our minds not in modern times only but since ancient times. And, the answers vary from time to time and place to place. So, this post is not unique on this subject matter. Then, why I am writing this post at all ?  As I see a lot of confusion, exploitation and strife in the name of God. So, this post is to express my views. Is God a reality ?
God and science
             First of all, when someone tries to apply objective criteria to examine the reality of God, he or she comes out with 'NO'. No God.  And, that is the problem. The God is not an objectively verifiable phenomena. God is beyond all objects and subjects. God is universe and the universe is God. How can a scientist find out the reality of  God when we do know only a fraction of the universe. So, let the scientists explore the unknown parts of the universe first. And, when the universe is known in full, the scientist will no longer question the existence of God. The reality of God will be apparent to all.
God and man
             The man is and was always  living in awe of Nature. Let us leave aside the ancient times and focus on modern times. Now, we know more about Nature. And, we have the technology to predict a natural event before it occurs. But, we can not control Nature. Hence, the man is still living in awe of Nature. This awe, this sense of fear of the unknown led our imagination to create of our gods and goddesses to protect us. The question is : Is God equal to Nature ? To me, not. The God is greater than Nature. As I said above, God is universe. God is all inclusive and all prevailing.
God and Religion
              When man's imagination created  gods and goddesses, they were given a name of religion from time to time and place to place. But, there is a problem with man. Limited to  surroundings, country or community. This 'limited-ness' gave way to 'dogma'. The followers of one religion think 'they are correct'  while 'others are not'. Although, religion created shelters and charity for fellow-beings but it also led to bloodshed due to misunderstandings. The history is full of atrocities committed or being committed for lack of understanding about the 'reality of God'.
The Reality of God
                The truth about God is that God is real as real as anything else real. To know this reality, the common tools do not work.  So, neither the scientist is correct asserting 'No God' nor the persons who limit God to their own religion. God is one, immortal, permanent, residing everywhere and  even within us all the time. The true seekers of God have found  this reality no matter they lived in  ancient times  or are living in modern times.  

RK Sangha


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